Sexual Harrassment at Workplace

Introduction Women are one of our society’s most vulnerable groups. Since the dawn of time, women have been subjected to prejudice in every aspect of life. Even if the situation has much improved, there are still certain things that need to be altered. One of these is the harassment of women on the job. Gender equality is a core human…

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Dowry death is defined in section 304B of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. Alsosection 113B of the Indian Evidence Act,1872 states the presumption as to dowry death. What is dowry? Section 2 of Dowry Prohibition Act states that “dowry” means any property or valuable security given or agreed to be given either directly or indirectly— 1)by one party to a marriage to the…

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The Criminal Procedure (Identification) Act, 2022 was passed by the President on 18th April, 2022 has come into force from 4th August, 2022. This act basically authorizes taking measurements of convicts and other persons for the purposes of identification and investigation in criminal matters and to preserve records.The typical question is what are these measurements? So, the answer has been…

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A chit fund firm and its MD’s Booked For Cheating in Delhi

The police have booked a case of cheating against a chit fund Firm “Three Dee Chits Pvt Ltd” and its Directors Pshitiz Bajaj and Sadhna bajaj. The Complainant had alleged that the Directors of the firm persuaded him to invest in their firm for a period of two years and with the assurance that he can demand the money back…

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Procedure to get a Decree of Mutual Divorce in India

Meaning? As the name suggests, when both the parties seek separation mutually and decides to end their wedlock/ marriage without any force, fraud or coercion then it is called taking divorce mutually. Provisions. If both the parties are Hindu, then under section 13B of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 both the parties can file a petition in the court. Under…

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“A Trade Mark is generally a visually perceptible sign used in relation to goods and services. The primary purpose of a Trade Mark distinguishes a particular product from another product.” – as per the Eight Report on the Trade Marks Bill, 1993, The Parliamentary Committee. A Trademark, therefore, can be a word or a logo or a device mark. It…

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KC Laxmana vs KC Chandrappa Gowda ( 2022)

This question is not new and has been dealt by hon’ble courts including Hon’ble Supreme Court of India many a times. It is recently seen in the case of KC Laxmana vs KC Chandrappa Gowda ( 2022) where the hon’ble apex court has dealt it again and reiterated that ” It is well settled that a hindu father or any…

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The right of a woman within the ancestral property under a hindu law

The right of a woman within the ancestral property under a hindu law has been greatly influenced by an amendment i.e. The Hindu Succession ( Amendment) Act, 2005. After this amendment, that is after Amendment Act 2005, section 6 was amended and word ‘daughter’ was inserted meaning thereby that a daughter was included as coparcener and was given equal right…

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The main ground of cancellation of bail

The main ground of cancellation of bail already granted to the accused Ashish Mishra was that the Hon’ble High court have acted in such a haste so as even victims were not allowed to participate along with other factors such as ignoring circumstancial evidences. I think Hon’ble Supreme court’s decision becomes important not because it has cancelled the bail granted…

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What to do if your insurance claim is denied?

It is not new now- a-days that we buy some insurance plans in order to keep ourselves and other person safety. Generally the purpose of buying the insurance whether it is life insurance, health insurance, motor insurance or any of that sort is to let the company pay a lump sum amount in the form a compensation according to the…

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